Thursday, December 8, 2011

Shoe Lace vaccum

New Product Strategy: With everyone having so much to do on a day to day basis sometimes cutting the little things out of your schedule can save you alot. Wheater it's showing up on time or having a spare minute to sit back and take a breathe. tying your shoes can be a small and monotonous thing that noone wants to do. the shoe lace vaccum would easily strap your lace air tight and take nothing but a step into your shoes. this product would not only save you time but help those that are embaressed of have a hard time tying their shoe.

Idea Generation: Customers of shoes could all cut 365 minutes a year purchasing the shoe lace vaccum. dont you hate being late to that important meeting or class, this shoe lace can help you out big time in sticky situations.

Idea Screening: anyone from all ages can test screen from all ages. i think it would be ideal to test out different demographics in order to make this a larger market than just the casual shoe. the growth in the market is huge, with shoe purchasing everyone needs the and everyone buys them but the shoe lace vaccum needs magor companies such as nike, adidas, bass, and any other magor shoe company to purchase and promote this idea and product.

Business Analysis: knowing that some sort of mechanism will be place in each shoe and research and development is a huge part of the shoe design shoes will be sold at a higher rate such as a shoe costing 100 dollars will cost 120 from a 20% increased on each shoe.

Development: Like i stated research and development will be a bit pricey but it will all be worth it. the question here is what benefits will the product provide? it will provide a air-tight tie from your shoe lace from you simple step into the shoe. this will cut the time and annoyance of bending over and tying your shoe or even tripping over your shoe lace. we will has several demographics test our product and run series of tests, athletes, businessmen, lawyers, children, etc.. we want the shoe to be flawless.

Test Market: I would like the test market to be with athletic training facilities, and high preformance athletes. with that kind of movement, and wear and tear the shoes would easily sow more faults and deficts in the prototypes before the complete product goes out. this way we can try to enter into the trade show or show up on college campuses and let potential customers try the shoe and see the acceptance or disaproval

Commercialization: I think after lauching the product the shoe brand or idea will need a team of people to promote it, and who better than big name celebrities and athletes to show to the market that our shoe is one of a kind

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